Designs for Kids!

Does your child have difficulty keeping up in gym class, not excited about joining a sport, difficulty with social skills, language delay, articulations, fluency, anxiety or emotional regulation?


An 8 session intensive with a Fix It PT speech language pathologist and physical therapist will give your child the skills they need to allow full participation in school, life’s activities and sport.

The collaboration between speech language pathology and physical therapy gives us the unique ability to address all the child’s needs of movement and communication as they are directly integrated.

Dependent on personal goals, the intensive is structured around individual needs and play to focus on

  • movement skills to allow all participation in sport

  • ability to focus on a task

  • decreased anxiety

  • regulation of emotions and behavior to allow appropriate social interactions

  • increased critical thinking and creativity

  • language skills

This program is designed for kids between the ages of 2 and 12 that need support and growth in the areas of movement, emotional regulation, focus, behavior, communication and articulation.

8 60-minute sessions - $700

No Pain ALL PLAY |

No Pain ALL PLAY |